3Stress comes in many forms.  It can be caused by poor eating habits, exposure to toxins and harmful chemicals, physical stress (too much exercise or physical labour to the point of exhaustion), emotional stress caused by financial difficulties, family problems, and work-related difficulties, and stress can also be caused by poor health and inadequate sleep.

Here are 3 proven ways to embrace less stress in your life.

1|  Start with cleaning up your nutrition
Eat natural, unprocessed, chemical-free foods, organically grown whenever possible.  Avoid chlorinated water for drinking, and showering if possible.  Buy a shower water filter.

Avoid chemical stressors like junk food, caffeine, drugs, hair dyes, toxic household cleaners, dry-cleaning, microwaving food in plastic containers.

Go to the table with a relaxed mind, eating too fast or while stressed, causes digestive disturbances and will create yet more stress for your body.

Avoid drinking fluids with meals as it dilutes digestive enzymes, instead, drink after and in between meals to help your digestion.

2| Practice self-care
Take time for you, you deserve it.  Whether it’s a nice leisure bath, a walk, time to read a book, or a cup of tea with a friend take time out to recharge your batteries.  

Replace disruptive, unpleasant, worrying and limiting thoughts with loving and liberating thoughts. Focus on how to express love in every act and word, and love will return to you in abundance. Try journaling, or get an accountability buddy (a friend) that you can share three things every day that you’re grateful for.  They don’t have to be big things.

3| Get moving
Exercise and stretch regularly to increase those feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins. You can try anything from yoga and meditation to weight training and stretching but at the end of the day get moving your body and mind with thank you.

Here is your challenge if you so wish to accept it.
Choose and declare it in the comments one thing that you are going to focus on this week. Weather it’s the food choices you’re making, incorporating time for yourself or simply just moving